Saturday, September 28, 2013

Review: God of the Underdogs

Matt Keller writes to those who are meant to be leaders, or at least that's the impression I got from his book "God of the Underdogs." Although I connect with a point or two (we must wait for the Pharaoh to call and use our gifts in the mean time), I had a difficult time truly taking anything away from the book. The two chapters that resonated with me on a slight level were at the very beginning of the book, and the rest of the book seemed to be about how God calls those of us who feel like underdogs to do big and great things. But what about daily life? What about those of us who don't feel called to the big things, but who want to make a difference in our small-life situations? There's some things that can be taken by long stretches while reading the book, and Keller's audio accompaniments (accessible via QR code at the end of each chapter) are a bit easier to enjoy, but overall I didn't feel like I fit any of Keller's underdogs. His connections to Scripture stories were sometimes a bit overstretched, and the majority of his book is Keller retelling those stories and then making quick applications. I did enjoy Keller's own inspirational story, though, and I'm sure that his book will impact a lot of people who are more in the right place to become the kind of leader Keller calls for.

*Disclaimer: I received this book for free in exchange for my honest review of it.

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