Monday, December 31, 2012

Review: Fire Prophet

Jerel Law makes a huge improvement over his first book in the second book of his "Son of Angels" series, "Fire Prophet." "Spirit Fighter" was just as addicting, but Law's writing style and story arc skills have improved, making for a young adult book even more difficult to put down.

Mind you, there are still doctrinal liberties taken that some may not like - angelic tongues, prophets, and Christian gifts all make appearances in the book, which follows young Jonah Stone and his two siblings as they meet other kids their age with the same quarterling (part-angel) powers as them. When Abbadon (Satan) and his demons decide to murder all the quarterlings and their nephilim parents, it's up to Jonah and his friends to follow Elohim's leading and defeat the dark forces. Along the way, the children also go to angel school and later must save a kidnapped prophet.

The engaging story had this reader through the book in just two days. It's an easy read, but it's also a great story. And it comes with encouraging spiritual bits that are great for kids, displaying the power of prayer and reliance on God.

*Disclaimer: I received this book for free from BookSneeze in exchange for my honest review of it.

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